Your lucky I like this video at all! The animation sucks, the voice acting sounds like a dying buffalo, and I bet my *ss you drew this when you were 10 years old.
This is one of my older videos so pardon the horrible animation. The song is "Crazy Train" by Ozzy O.
Your lucky I like this video at all! The animation sucks, the voice acting sounds like a dying buffalo, and I bet my *ss you drew this when you were 10 years old.
Everything below is good suggestions- but good vid too. :P
Woah. That neck creeps me out O_o The only part I really liked was the raspy, "Drink Dr. PEPPER!!!"
The sound quality and art wasnt the best.
A little weird when he pulled that turtle move to drink the coke, didn't see that coming. As you said yourself... horrible animation, but decent concept. Just clean it up and pass it by the suits hahah. Still must be nice looking back on old work.