I like the art!
The streams are very random places, and random are the ideas you can get from them. based on a really cool animation video.
Song: http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=X9uk9IcoQ0w&ob=av2e
Equestria map: http://hlissner.deviantar t.com/
Hurrah for NG preloader
this was supposed to be a small comic... and then turn into an animation... O_o
I like the art!
it was ok, but it was a little laggy, and if the song played all the way through, but discord stayed behind, then it would have been better, and maybe you could have made it a little less laggy though.
mmmmmm.... ok. I guess the moral wasn't necessary, the movie spokes for it self , and the animation you should help it to sync more the song and between the lyrics and the animation. The images were really good, it looks like you know to draw well and it was interesting. I suggest you to keep practicing more and i hope i can see you on the front page soon :D 3/5
That was worthy of Princess Celestia herself :)