Fuck those customers! Treat them all like jerkoffs! Another great addition to the show guys. Very well done in all regards! The jokes about that guy being racist and sexist really took the cake lol
Episode twelve of Sean and Such. Joe takes register duty and rings up the store's shoppers. As the line of customers dwindle, one particular patron attempts to give Joe a difficult time until he retaliates with his brand of wittiness.
Fuck those customers! Treat them all like jerkoffs! Another great addition to the show guys. Very well done in all regards! The jokes about that guy being racist and sexist really took the cake lol
Once again the flash was very weak for a number of reasons. Reasons which have been present since the first episode and you have done very little to try and rectify. You seemed to be going places mid-way through the series, but since then it's been right back to basics and that is truly disappointing.
As usual I thought this could have done with a replay button at the end. The pillars looked out of place in the intro due to being the only part of the image with any depth and an apostrophe was missing from the title. Every shot was filmed square on rather than at an angle. This meant there were no diagonals to add some much needed depth to the images.
The animation was pretty much non-existant. When it was there it was incredibly basic. Hands jumped from one pose to the next, completely missing the frames in between which should have been present to help them glide from one position to the next smoothly and naturally. Even the animals weren't moving. They may have been out of focus in the background, but they were still visible so some slight animation for them was essential. The walking animation of the fat lady needed to improved as well as it didn't look at all natural when she moved across the screen.
The plot felt too long and dragged out. The story was essentially Joe getting annoyed with a customer, but you seemed to go over and over the same line of jokes. Some of them were nice, but there was just too much of the same for me to really find this movie enjoyable. An actual plot with development would have been a major improvement, just refer to the sixth episode to see how much more enjoyable the movie would be as a result.
I was disappointed that most of the customers were the same as in previous episodes. It seemed unlikely that some of those would have ever chosen to return to the store, so why I they here now? I think that you should have drawn new ones. One of the old plot lines was even discarded. Before Joe was slacking until it involved an attractive female customer, however he completely dismissed the very same girl this time round.
I thought that the customer was too quiet while he was complaining in the queue, I realise that he didn't want Joe to hear him, but I couldn't make out what he was saying a few times either. He seemed fine for the most part during his conversation with Joe, but his voice did dip on one of the lines making it a bit of a struggle to make him out.
hahaha this was the perfect way to deal with a rude customer. Wish I had a boss that would allow that.
Aw, this is the perfect animation. I live in Alaska too! Liked that touch.
Not that I'm one to talk about good humor, but the jokes seemed kind of stale to me. When he was messing with the customer everything he did just kind of seemed predictable. The video itself didn't project any energy for the viewer, I got bored halfway through. The animation style is really cool though I did enjoy that quite a bit.