i know a good deal when i see it
My first sprite animation! Will be starting Episode 2 Soon! Review for some Ideas on where Gary should be taken and if Ash should just give up and take Blastoise!
***Stretch the movie to see beginning text if you can't!
***UPDATES! 4/7/12 : Added Pre-loader and animation stops at the end
i know a good deal when i see it
HEY HEY...... can i be your new pokemon ash lol
blastoise cracked me up
The graphics and animations are good so well done with that. However the text is kinda small at the beginning when it is zoomed out. Also, while i understand you were putting black and white boxes behind gary and his Pokemon's words so they could be seen, it would look better if you found text that was visible through the whole video and use it with all the characters and use lines coming from the character to the text they are speaking.
Thanks for positive feedback. Updated so now there is a preloader.
First of all, it loops, therefore making the sounds overlap with themselves the second time around. Learn some basic as2 and make a play button. Second of all, most of this was just text(going extremely fast). If you had worked on this for a couple more hours, got some voice actors and made a better plot line I really you could pull it together and make a really nice, quality flash. Take some time on your work. Newgrounds isn't going away.