MADE FOR SCHOOL?! HOW?! Anywho, good job! Rename this: Stick RPG: The movie XD
My longest project yet, made for school, no heads due to time restrictions.
MADE FOR SCHOOL?! HOW?! Anywho, good job! Rename this: Stick RPG: The movie XD
I loked it ~~ loved the slow-mo part XD
Nice school project.
This had fluid animations, the art for the buildings was pretty meh. I realize that not everyone is a artist. But what was important was the fight scene anyways. I don't know if it was just me, but the fight scene seemed to have some sounds out of synch. The story was pretty funny and the reason he fought was hilarious. Music selection also added to the epicness and suspension building. The exaggerated faces on the "Maniac" also made the animation that much funnier.
Verdict: Good
I would look forward to more.
lol call o duty music
If you get time you should add some heads for the other stickmen besides of "Maniac". After all, it is not bad for a school project with time restrictions.