if this is a final project in college, i would seriously reconsider handing this in. i assume you made the artwork on your own which is perfectly fine. the problem is that you limited showboating those skills.
This is my project I turned in for my finals and its also my first after affects animation (NOTE, the assignment was to make something in illustrator and then import it to another adobe program, so before you rate this keep in mind that using after effects was optional and I wasn't graded on on the animation, I was graded on whether or not I could import something from illustrator to another program). XD I know there's ALOT of stuff on Newgrounds that are 1000x better but I'm proud of myself for doing well in my class and completing this assignment. I hope you all enjoy. XD Also, the song I used is Lon Lon Ranch from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and this is a loop so don't worry if it starts over part way through the song, it's only 29 or 30 seconds long.
if this is a final project in college, i would seriously reconsider handing this in. i assume you made the artwork on your own which is perfectly fine. the problem is that you limited showboating those skills.
The assignment was to make something in illustrator and then import it into another adobe program (photoshop, fireworks, etc..) and I wasn't graded on the animation itself (it was a design class, not an animation class), but thanks for your input, I appreciate constructive comments.
Sounds alright except for how its uncontinuous
The art isn't that great either.
Good try