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Little match girl.

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Animación del cuento "La niña de los cerillos". Proyecto para cuentos infantiles, la animación no debía tener ningún sonido, debía de entenderse en una habitación llena de ruido externo.
The little match girl animation. Project for little kids tales, this has no sound because it was supposed to be understood in a room were there was a lot of external noise

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The animation isn't bad, but you kind of glossed over or left out the most important parts of the story.

(For those who've not read the original, it doesn't have a happy Disney-style ending; spoilers below.)

* She's burning the matches to keep from freezing to death
* It turns out matches aren't so effective at that

You hav very good drawing skill.....
Please make sure that u add sound in the next cartoon....
Nice effort........

sooo can u add sond to it tho?

Pixelaru responds:

Of course, i'll do it... that and stop the looping at the end. Thanks for watching!

I do declare this a saved material. What a work of art you've got there! All you need is music and you have an exeptional animation, Thanks for posting!

Pixelaru responds:

Wow! thanks, it's nice to know someone thinks that of my work ! I would have loved to do a more polished animation like someone in the comments said, right now I think I'll just update it with sound. Later I'll do the "upgraded" version haha :D thanks a lot

its a good flash.this would be perfect if it had the right tune to set the mood as you go.as for looping,well...im not much of a repeater guy myself but perhaps if the song were looped at the right moment more would flock to your work.

Pixelaru responds:

Yes, the looping wasn't intentional, I have to change that, and obviously update the animation with sound, thanks for your comment :D

Credits & Info

4.70 / 5.00

Mar 14, 2012
9:32 AM EDT