It's good for kids, just add some audio and you're good to go
- I'm glad that you explained that it was for kids. That helped.
This is a flash interactive tale for kids, the instructions are in spanish but you can see them cown here in english:
Every time you see character which has a yellow glow just rollover it for some seconds to see what it does.
When the rollover animation ends click and hold to se another animation in that same character.
Release to advance in the story.
Cuento en el que tienes para avanzar en la escena tienes que hacer click en los personajes para que se activen.
Fue utilizado como un cuento para un grupo de niÃf±os.
It's good for kids, just add some audio and you're good to go
- I'm glad that you explained that it was for kids. That helped.
Yes, I know the lack of audio is disturbing, It would make this much more enjoyable. Thank you for taking the time to watch my work.
Your art is great... the vid has no sound though and the text appears to only come in spanish.
I liked the look of it, but due to the lack of sound, or english text, i cannot enjoy it.
Thanks a lot for your comment, I think you're right about the lack of sound, unfortunately I had a deadline to finish this and sound was not an essential part, but I'm aware sound willl lift up its qualty. About the language, at first I didn't plan on uploading this to the site so there was no point on adding instructions in english, I'll update it now that it's here.
I'm glad you liked the art, I enjoyed a lot doing it :)