Even by old 2009 standards, this isn't anything very good. Stop-motion animation in itself isn't necessarily respected among flash animators and traditional animators, and when you have a choppy video and jittery camera movement, it emphasizes on the bad qualities of a stop-motion animation.
Some stop-motion animations pride themselves on having a very good image/video quality, though the quality here isn't that good. Though I guess I can overlook this since you admit in your description that the quality here isn't that good and that the quality gets better as it progresses, so hopefully that won't be a problem for any future episodes.
But even though this was made in 2009, there's no reason to use that as an excuse and not to touch things up. Sometimes I find old crap sitting somewhere on my computer, but I usually don't re-submit them in their original state, I finish them up and do cleanup work on them. So voice acting fits here.
Even if you aren't a good voice actor, there's a multitude of people who are good voice actors, and even went to the extent of forming clubs and organizations for voicing other people's creative works. For text boxes, though, you could've made it at least fancy since we'll be reading off of them the entirety of the episode.
The storyline was... okay. Nothing more, nothing less. It was interesting at certain points, though to be honest, the poor animation quality distracted from we're supposed to be focusing on: the story.
The obvious transition scenes that you got from Windows Movie Maker plague the movie of an unprofessional vibe; anybody who's seen their share of amateur YouTube videos are very well familiar with that font you used in transition screens. I HAVE A SUGGESTION! I think you should look up elevator music on Newgrounds or YouTube and download it. Then you should put elevator music for every transition. It'd make the default WMM screen more bearable. Another MINOR complaint is the tiny white border at the left. This can easily be fixed, and I'm sure it's probably fixed in the next episodes.
There are some obvious spelling errors ("beleave") and even in the description ("bottem" is "bottom") but i'm just a grammar nazi
There's a jagged turn in the plot here. One minute, a team member dies and they appear to be devastated, but the lack of voice acting fails to emphasize the extent of this, though from the fact that they see a random chess board and decide to play right after, I'm sure they aren't very serious about what they're doing. Oh yeah, and "PREPARE TO GET PWNED!!" sounds like something a 10-year-old would say. "UR GETTING PWNED NOOB!!!!!!!!!"
well at least at a scene near the end, you put music, despite how unfitting it might be.
But something about this movie makes me want to keep watching. judging from the WMM video quality, I am assuming this series made its debut on YouTube. I'll look up the future episodes.
Good luck. and I'm not trying to be mean, I'm only trying to help.