haha lol
How to, or how not to spell dubstep is a cartoon created by Willva and the talented Steven Thornely. With additional voices and gags by Willem Van Aswegen. Special thanks to MR ZekeySpaceyLizard, and special guests Skrillex and deadmau who also attended this event.
Song available on itunes of anyone is interested =)
haha lol
Good animation and funny idea but the song kinda broke the mood.
Some people here don't know anything about EDM. Skrillex IS dubstep and Dedmau5 is not Electro house but Trance, House and Minimal. UKF is just a Record Label.
UKF Dubstep approves that
Skrillex and Deadmau5 are not dubstep, Ukf is so ill give that one wynand and skrillex and deadmau5 are electro house mostly
Skrillex should be proud!