good movie... i liked the parts were they were chilling, and ivyasaur, asked them ''whats this?'' and pop's said: ''oh, its just some gift-bags a bank-owner is sending us as a reward..'' and has canadian porn, maple syrup, metric system, and hockey sticks!
what better than that?!
-indeed, that would make a great gift. to me.
1. so, who is this mysterious canadian, sending them gifts, with metric system, and canadian porn? will you tell us what clock is it? i hope it's not rob, he is a ROB-ber! haha, get it?
but who is it
2. so, if ribs-clock is a villain, and topcatyo and silver are the bad-guys, WHY DID YOU SHOW tricky the clown? is the real culprit? the real master-mind?
and why noone adds the anti-clocks, killing the villain, and saving the day?
3. what does weed do to pop-tart? i heard it makes sattelite into a super man, but what does it make pop-tart? i couldnt hear that no matter how many times i replayed this.
4. what BBQ's death had to do with our heroes?
will they redeem for their accidents?
5 what was that countdown screen near radiotube, and SOBE? a clock-day countdown? or the counting hours for your next flash? i think the former.
just been catching up with youl, so sorry.
add blob-mightboosh clcok in the series, too! you wont regert it, i promise!