Entertaining flash
This was a clever movie you have here, There was some inspriring animation in this, and hile i do say that there was some areas of the flash that can be made to run and look better even more on a sharper and smoother feel, but i will for sure touch on those areas abit later, but now i just wanted to comment on how i preceived this to start off, and sofar i am pretty intriged by it, so glad to see something good here. Iguess theres alot of stuff happening to papers it was pretty entertaining but just wish something positive did come his way once in awhile. maybe in a future episode possibly, The main character did seem somewhat on the "SIMPLE" side of things but maybe thats something you could also enhance with some more detail. So to start off great work with the "EMOTION" of the characters you really expressed that well, and came off realisticly, that was something that stoodout for me, Lip synking was kind of off, the sound and mouth animation just didnt match up and vice versa, there was a time laps or something that just didnt match so thats something that could be worked on. The Story was actually notbad, just seemed kinda sad when all this stuff was going on and such, Graphics and visuals especially backrounds were kinda decent, Well here we come to an end of another flash, and with my closing comments on this, i had some entertaining fun and amusment with this movie, it was not great but was not poor either, it actually had some good points that kept me interested and wanting more, But with all that said sadly this review does come to an end and ill just say it was actually alright.
There was some lip synking issues that could be smoothed out, You also may want to add some "SUBTITLES" in some areas of confusion with the sound of the voices, was not a big deal but subtitles would come in real hand in those lacking areas, so just another option to work on. and on a last note maybe abit more effort and detail on the character as it was just abit simplistic.