fuckin hilarious!
this is so funny i nearly cried. listnin to music and beats the crap out of 3 guys and steals car lol
This video Is about a monkey in a lab for research. The monkey is listing to some beats when a professor turns of his music he becomes very angry and beats up the proffesors and then trys to escape.
fuckin hilarious!
this is so funny i nearly cried. listnin to music and beats the crap out of 3 guys and steals car lol
gd job
everyfin fitted, a job, a car, a fight and a monkey! lol... where dat dude get the axe from?
that was a great job. the graphics were smooth, the drawings rocked, the audio kicked ass and it was hilarious.
That was great, that monkey has a nice pimp walk. Make another one for that too.
Omg seriously make a follow up man idk if there is yet....-_- but if i find out bout it ill watch it n vote!