I like it
So this one was an interesting piece of flash, this movie type was different then most i am use too, and i like the variaty of your style in this one. Interesting piece here there was alot of different things going hence the title being a demo reel and what not, the music chimed it well to flow well with this, the animation was notbad and, it was a subtle piece of flash and a nice flowing one. And so that was that a decent movie entry with some decent visuals of a good style that gave off a good vibe and whatnot. So overall with this one i did enjoy your piece here.
And so here i am with a few positive changes and adjustments that should make thinsg run smoother and it will give off a better effect, now you dont have to use any of the ideas i suggest but try and atleast to look into some small changes. So hard to say where to improve since it was a demo reel of sorts but, maybe you can push the music up a notch maybe changing tempos for each different scenes and whatnot, even having some sort of subtitles for different scenes and so on.