Haha! so funny! there is only one word that can describe this toon: Schmegadabem!
Good job dude! looking forward to your next! ^^
Hey guys!
This is my second animation featuring a crazy inventor who like 2 experiment... D: that came out wrong. Oh well i hope you enjoy it!
Please check out my Youtube channel aswell and SUBSCRIBE, i promise, free lemonpie!
http://www.youtube.com/us er/GiggleGumStudios
Haha! so funny! there is only one word that can describe this toon: Schmegadabem!
Good job dude! looking forward to your next! ^^
Thaanx broo :3
Me likes the oldie :3
thx bro. :3
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Funny! Loved The graphics, even though some people might call them crummy! But being black and white and crummy is actually what makes them funny! LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL (mot to mention the voice!)
hehe thanx m8 :)
animation :7
good jood but need a little more work
Thx :)
Nice animating ((:-P .I'll give this a 3.5
Thanx bro ;)