I love it the animation and everything else is good. This is perfect to me.
the opening for my new series, NOTE: all episodes will be uploaded to my youtube channel athttp://www.youtube.com/
user/kezzybro2k11?feature =mhee
credit to
frsgames,nznecros,pexteen ,ristar80,mrqball80,and team os
I love it the animation and everything else is good. This is perfect to me.
same here!
High quality graphs, it's perfect
DBZ pixel mode Me Gusta!
Very cool, but I can't give it a 5 stars score due to the lack of PLAY/REPLAY menu, first time I tried to play it it hung due to this lack of pre-loading time + play menu.
Anything else is fine, it's understandable that the pixelation that it has when zoomed in is due to the use of the same grphics for every scene, not bothering me here.