dis r so kol da voiyss akting iz te bets
Okay, so this is my first animation!
Please rate fairly and rate highly!
EDIT: Now on deviantART. http://derpyoracle.devian tart.com/art/Homework-285 318121
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/us er/DerpyOracle
deviantART: http://derpyoracle.devian tART.com
dis r so kol da voiyss akting iz te bets
You shouldn't have to read the title to understand what's going on. The Matrix explains what the matrix is in the middle of the movie. Spider-man tells his story every chance he gets. That's just a general rule of writing. Your art could use improvement, the audio was really bad, and the flash was too short. Next time try to have your plot make a little more sense by having it unfold rather than jump from one spot to another, throw in a little more shading or animation, and please never use that voice again for any reason. Since I had to choose between voting fairly and voting highly I went with your first response.
lmao . Yep snizatchle had it coming from the first yelp lol. This the daydream all boys have at least once in there grade school life, lol if thy never did homework xD. Very funny vid lol. btw who cares what she said, thats a grown adult yelping at an 8year-old! lol really clues in the title.
And do not attempt to do this at ur home, really its called arson and u could go to jail if u get caught or whined up homeless. xD enjoy
I liked the art, but I couldn't understand a single word the mom said. So for me the flash was: Boy is angry, mom makes noise, boy burns house down. I assume she said something about homework since it's in the title but... I dunno.
"Rate fairly and rate highly!"
I see a conflict of interest here.
Short, pointless, pretty badly drawn and even more badly voiced.