This was funny and Amusing
A good flash here, it was amusing and entertaining especially when the guy shoots baddie and he is like boom that was funny and amusing, So this was pretty good of a flash it had some sadness in there and some good emotion, so nice work on bringing that element to the story, it really shot it up good, and as for the "MUSIC" that was stand alone on its own and really impressed me so you had some good choices here all around and really was glad i saw this, and hope to see more from yousoon, anyways keep up the good work. on one last note woould love to see you continue on this style maybe with some sorta seres of segmants, anyways good luck.
This was pretty entertaining had lots of stuff, i would like to see you continue it on with more of a random feel also.
A good flash here some good visuals, some nice action, and even some emotion, a good flash and good ending here.