It's not often that you see a flash that involves William Shakespeare, which more people on here should check out. Truth is, I think that people such as yourself are sorely needed on Newgrounds, and lots of people could learn something from you.
Graphics: I really like your use of warm/cool contrasts and gradients. When it comes to the latter, it takes a delicate hand to make them look good; anyone else would have done this poorly. In addition, the Frame-by-frame parts were well done along with the usage of shape tweening. However, the red figure in one scene has arms that are too short. I suggest you study anatomy for a bit.
Sound: Great use of Ryan Tani's music, which really fit the mood that you were trying to convey. Plus, I like the limited use of sound effects with the fire.
Content: This kind of reminds me of Celx Requin's flash (CoolJaw: Dreaming Darkly, The Sugar Claws), but without his brand of dark and gritty. The direction was excellent and seeing that Shakespeare is an underused subject on here; you get an added bonus. I bet if you keep practicing, you'll be in the top five some day.
-Underused subject
-Clever use of gradients, shape tweening, and masking.
-Great frame by frame animation
-Fitting music
-Something different
-Not everyone will appreciate the length.
Overall: Here's a nine (4.5/5) from me.