Hi there
Welcome :) I didn't realize that the week-long waiting period was still in effect, I'll see what we can do about changing that.
Nice first flash, did you draw that lantern?
CornDog and Lantern are two new clocks aching to get into Clock Crew, but are left to wait.
Hi there
Welcome :) I didn't realize that the week-long waiting period was still in effect, I'll see what we can do about changing that.
Nice first flash, did you draw that lantern?
Yes I did. Based it after a bit of Lantern's own Lantern, but added some of my own touches. Such as making the lantern glow.
Pretty pictures, with a couple of tweens. It has been done before by thousands of clocks.
No shit?
I dont get it
The animation is good, or drawing I guess but besides that I do not get what is so funny about this stupid clock things using speech software from like 10 years ago doing basically nothing.
I don't like you.
Welcome to the Crew.
Yeah, the 1 week wait is kinda crappy, but its to weed out the buttmunches. However, if you're really passionate about joining, I recommend using the time to lurk around our forums, get a good understanding on our code of conduct, and generally see if the Clock Crew is your place to be.
I'm pretty sure you can make a thread in the introductory forum (That's the 'Reception Desk' in general), so give that a shot. If not; see you in a week!
Tried it. Guess I can't. See you in a week.
Me and Lantern joined together. So, give him a shout, too, if you don't mind.