What's the source for this info?
This week, we dive into what crystals are good for. Last week we learned about what Crystals are, but there are so many things you can do with them! Hopefully this video will provide some insight onto the many uses of crystals!
Also, don't forget to jump on into the Spirit Science forums and discuss not just crystals, but all topics spiritual, scientific, esoteric, metaphysical or even occult ^_^ www.thespiritscience.net/
Personal Experience and Experimentation
Love is in the Earth
The Crystal Bible
Judy Hall
avalon/texts/know-how.htm l
http://www.crystalhealing shop.com/how_to_use_cryst als.htm
http://www.astroawareness .com/crystals/a_z.html
What's the source for this info?
This was really hilarious! Make more please! :D
Holy shit! a long time ago I got a light purple crystal and simply put it by my bed (I didn't know what else to do with it), and just yesterday I took a chakra quiz (which would tell you how open each chakra was, and it said my crown chakra was the most open!
Only use of crystals i know is for crystal meth and salt. Fuck.
Yay! I'm excited to hear there will be a water episode. Water is my one of my specific affiliations and loves. I'm excited to hear what you have to say about it! >w<