i almost choked laughing, this is so good, its got every 2010 meme in here and that part where justin beiber came in was so good, all you needed was through the fire and the flames at that part!
The Second Episode of John & Mark. The Style of my animations have changed but john and mark. They only have mouths and eyes and still a stick people.
i almost choked laughing, this is so good, its got every 2010 meme in here and that part where justin beiber came in was so good, all you needed was through the fire and the flames at that part!
Not too shabby
You have a great sense of humor. The things that bugged me were the sound cracks with voices and effects and the kinda off stoyline. You sure have your mouth movements down! You have talent and I can't wait to see some improvement. I was gonna rate this a 5/10 but JUST because of the random popeye ending, I give you a point extra :p
Not bad
A solid plot which was stuck to throughout.
The animation was actually pretty good in that there was plenty of it and all of it was done relatively smoothly, although you feel more effort could have been put into each frame.
The wasn't much funny stuff to laugh at although the fall scene was nice, taken from Hotrod right? Or at least inspired?
The voice acting was okay but it NEEDS to be clearer and less "shout into the microphone from 1cm away".
Keep up the good work.
thanks for your comment. you see, i have a bit problem with a voice quality to fix and sync movement. but i'll make the voice effects better next time than this.