Random and amusing
Well so its not all the time you see flash works like this especially in a movie form so i was actually suprised with how you presented this and how you let it flow from start to the end, So in that aspect of things it actually does get off to a decent start, Ok so not fond of the loop but guess thats the "IDEA" of it all and such, Frame by frame is tricky and odd its good animation just not always succesfull, but for the most part this was still ok. There is actually alot going on here and the animation seems to flow with every next scene so nice effort there. So The "MUSIC" was in good taste and as for a looping type of flash it seemed to work, The music also seems to fit the FBF style. I was really impressed with the "STORY" really looks like you put the time in on it, showing that a little effort can go along ways, so the story was greatand had some nice depth to it. but it also has some randomness to it and thats was notbad either. The Artwork was ok, but the animation seemed more of a strong point in this, maybe if you can smooth out some of your linework on the drawings it might come together abit better. This was a nice Flash submission had some artistic value and some sense of humor, and keeps youinterested aswell as entertained, there were some areas that could use some more clever ideas and tips, but that also comes with most flash submissions, so maybe below i will have a few ideas for you, but regardless of this all, this was actually notbad of a flash entry.
This was a good animation it has a smooth side of things and the style and direction was ok, but i believe that there needs to be an even smooth effort on things, the flash was decent, but i must say there are still some clever ways you can make this better, such as using varias ideas and advice that will in the endmake this more quality then it is, just something to think about, So as for some improvment changes maybe some better drawings and line-work, but besides that it was alright.