that was Dope man!
can't wait to see more
Finally another new animation, now with more speed and action effects, I hope you like.
Dark the Lizardhog It is a character made by my friend: http://dark-the-lizardhog
Thank you for watch.
that was Dope man!
can't wait to see more
follow my page for more videos :)
I Like it a nice fight between awesome characters.
Thank you very much
Keep up the great work!
This was very a fast-paced, clean battle. Nothing much more to say. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
thank you :)
Good flash
It's a good flash but please don't use Sonic recolors
it is not a recolor, Dark the Lizardhog has its own comic.
not bad
there aren't that many sprite flashes on these days so i will review as best as I can, this was a good fight seen, lots of colorful moves and stuff we should expect over the years, my only real complaint is that I don't know much about dark or anything like, other than that not much to say but good job
thank you bro =)