For those who don’t knows, Angel MIkey Died in Dragon Ball Supa Bike.
At first I started out practicing lipsyncing, and then I saw Cooli working on a dragonball z parody so I said I wanted to 2. I ve always been a big fan of Dragonballz, and I have seen Ms. DBZBabe and other makeing parodies. So I thought I think its time for me to make one.So Me and Coolisushi decided to make Dragonball Z parodies, why i chose hello kitty? Well i wanted to use something you wouldn't expect, and who would think to mix hello kitty and dragonballz, only me XD. So watch and enjoy.
For those who don’t knows, Angel MIkey Died in Dragon Ball Supa Bike.
Rest In Peace Mikey you fought hard but there is always victory in losing
Can't. Stop. Laughing. XD
i loled so hard at the very end! scouter:FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
what the...! hes pooping his pants! plus he became batman! this is crazy!