oh well i think after doing that those bad guys went to jail!!!
people kept telling me to do something besides stick figure, so i came up with this. It's about a kid named pete who is hated by all the jocks because he is so smart. pretty short, but to the point. my mic broke so i got computer voices. ( i think it actually makes it funnier.) take a look.
oh well i think after doing that those bad guys went to jail!!!
Well it looks like those three guys are heading for the slammer
A scripture of proportions akin to the greatest films of all time. A masterpiece, this film acts as window into a digital world which has since been lost in time. Remarkable effort by Mr. Flump
wht the f...
wht the fu.... was that,.... that was the lamest thing ever!!!!! >:[ pete wasnt even smart and what the heck did u get those horible voice over, come on man!!!! Go back to stick figures!!
an thats a low overall 4!
no it was useless, how can someone blatanly walk into a 2 foot rock? then shove their nut into a cactis. man u got owned