Doesn't anybody read the NG rules?
This is breaking them.
You aren't aloud to use "Phineas & Ferb" in your Flash.
Go back, read the rules, try again.
this is technically a christmas present :) (if it works)
the song isn't mine. :|
[wow you guys. this was a gift to my sister. also, I tried to make us in pnf style, I can't draw like them... it wasn't supposed to have a plot, just so you know. ]
Doesn't anybody read the NG rules?
This is breaking them.
You aren't aloud to use "Phineas & Ferb" in your Flash.
Go back, read the rules, try again.
This is Under Rated.
People are leaving some downright abusive reviews. Well, I like this animation, I think it's kinda cute. It needs improvement, yes, but it's not as bad as everyone is making out to be. Areas needing improvement:
Mouth animations
The sound quality could be better, but it does what you need it to so you're okay.
is that doofenshmirtz from phineas and ferb show that talking?
it was funny make more if u can :P
lemme explain everything your doin wrong
You copied everything but the animation
You made it too short
You had near crappy animations,
unless this is your first animation, do fucking better
sorry if it seems too bad but you need to do better if u want ppl to actually rate ur vid go...
But thats just my opinion, what about the others, maybe for some weird fucking reason they'll actually like, ya know?