Not bad
This is pretty decent, assuming you did most of the pixel art yourself. How did you make this? I recognize most of the characters. I am curious, what is the song playing? I recognize it but can't remember exactly. Miyavi maybe?
Este es un trailer informativo de una serie que voy a hacer, en la que saldran Sonic, sus amigos, y otros famosos personajes ( y otros no tan famosos). Espero que les guste XD
PD: La serie estara completamente en Español-Castellano, más adelante actualizacion al ingles.
This is an informative trailer in a series that I do, which will come out Sonic, his friends, and other famous characters (and some not so famous). I hope you like XD
PD: The series will be entirely in Spanish-Castilian, later updated to English.
Not bad
This is pretty decent, assuming you did most of the pixel art yourself. How did you make this? I recognize most of the characters. I am curious, what is the song playing? I recognize it but can't remember exactly. Miyavi maybe?
Sorry if I tell people the truth and what is the song by flash sticking out and I feel much more at the Reply does not work but thanks for your positive comments and the song know the name but that of opening number 2 of the series Bleach and this interesting story if the problem is that I thought to do it in Spanish but for you and there are more people speaking English than Spanish in the English voi up before making a trailer for you right?
And sorry for the English I used the google translator.