lol!!!! he is a villeger.Trade something with a villeger and make a iron goblem to help the villige XD and :D
So Notch added Testificates? They creep me out so much.
This animation was made simply to express my feelings on the new Minecraft Squidwards.
Sorry about the audio quality, it wasn't noticeable on the headphones I was using at the time.
lol!!!! he is a villeger.Trade something with a villeger and make a iron goblem to help the villige XD and :D
hes squidwerd hes squidwerd hes squidwerd squidwerd squidwerd
what the ?
This was fucking funny, I really understand how you feel, my friend james introduced me to the actual minecraft because currently I only have the stupid origional version thats free, so he was on his account teaching me how to work it laughing how I was a coward when it came to monsters he showed me the village and I was like... "WTF KIND OF MONSTER IS ATTACKING THOSE HOUSES?" he was like "Dudette, there people they live there..." "WTF? and why are the love hearts of those pair are they losing lives beating the crap out of each other?" "No there fucking" "what?..." "you heard me"