Poor Strtich
HOORAY! i fixed it, the sync is a little of, but a second play though appears to fix this :)
the music is from the film "How to train your Dragon" and is called "Astrid goes for a spin" by John Powell
My take on the wing ceremony
Poor Strtich
Not outstanding,,,But not horrible.
To start things off, don't use How to Train Your Dragon music. ;) This was obviously crapped out, but the game hasn't been out long enough to expect anything better. But I'm not a hater, and I was impressed at the work so far. If you wer to spend more time, this would be good. It is a pretty good animation, and I laughed when Stritch hit the wall :D Good job
Short, but sweet
It's not exactly excellent, but it's really good, keep up the good work. It really captured that moment were Link and his Loftwing were trying to get that figurine to win, nice. =)