Awesome it's like if you ponified both The Passion of The Christ and Braveheart
This was at first a chore, but the more I made, the more I liked it. It's an odd trend that my toons tend to start weak and end strong. There a few bugs and hiccups here and there. I couldn't be arsed to fix them. I just fixed the major problems I saw.
If anyone knows how I can export a more higher quality video for youtube, I'd love to hear it, PM me please.
Feel free to recommend this for the 2011 Halloween collection.
My little pony is copyright to Hasbro and this video is intended to be a non-profit fan based parody.
UPDATE: To those of you voting this submission low simply because it kills off Rainbow Dash: Grow the fuck up. It's a non-canon parody of a fan fiction about fictional characters that don't exist (redundancy much?). You were warned twice! Verbally and in writing. Focus on the work and how well it portrays the fan fiction and NOT on how I killed off Rainbow Dash. For fucks sake, kids...
Update2: I haven't a clue as to why there's a "2011 Movie of the Year Award" underneath the underdog of the week. Any explainations?
Awesome it's like if you ponified both The Passion of The Christ and Braveheart
my balls are missing after watching this at night
the perfect example of narm ruining what could be a good adaptation!
cupcakes is a infame mlp fanfic that got some animated adaptations from 2011 to 2013, i saw all of the cupcakes animated adaptations (like 4 times each) and this one is the example of the trope narm.
i say that because i actually laughed in scenes that were supposed to be serious because they dont have a good execution, like why would pinkie pie look for 3 seconds at rainbow dash wings? or why would rainbow dash not die when pinkie takes most of her organs but would die after pinkie takes her hearth (literally that was the only organ that keeps her alive?).
however there are some positives here, the adaptation took some liberties in pinkie pie torturing rainbow dash and they are memorable if compared to most of the other adaptations, and different from other adaptations, this one actually has pinkie turning rainbow dash dead body into a stuffed manekin.
but besides all of that, this adaptation is weak.
I like it
honestly a 10/10 the amount of gore is perfect the animation is smooth as butter. would like some voice lines to be honest