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B&CSCACA Episode 1

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The title actually stands for Caleb and Bill's Supha Cool Awesome College Adventures. After 2 years of not making any flash movies, here is my newest bit of flash material in quite some time. I decided to stray away from the totally non original Randomness series and try something new. Hope you enjoy it.

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I see potential here, the title is a bit much, could use some tinkering. For a first time run or pilot it was pretty good. I'd watch more. Try to living up the animation though, don't be afraid to take the comedy out side the realm of gaming either, not everyone plays sonic lol. I like to see your story board if you have one, if you don't have one then make sure you create one for the next animation, it''ll help alot with timming and sync issues. Also flesh out your character designs, If you need any help with anything I can offer you a hand or pencil so to speak. One last thing, don't worry so much about negative reviews, they are a waste of time.

C-leb responds:

Thanks dude. Yea, I do have some improvements to work on, but hey. Also, about the super long name. I made the whole movie before I named it. I had to just sit there and think for a name. It is susceptible to change I suppose. BTW, the intro song is called Chill Out. It's by the ska band i'm in. Check us out on facebook. Must Build Jacuzzi.


I thought this was funny. Bland moments, yes. But you can work on that. I loved the part about the sonic game, flashbacks like that are very funny to me. I thought the sound effects and voices were good (though you need to work on timing on some parts). Good work! I cant wait to see the next episode :)

C-leb responds:

Thanks for the input brah;D Episode 2 should hopefully be coming soon. I tell ya, it is hecka hard to balance working on flash movies and classes at the same time. But yea, next year, I take a class on Flash. Hopefully I can pick up some tips and stuff there. This has just been with what I figured out myself.


not the greatest, but it was funny

ok pretty good,

but if you larned how to do lipsync then it would make it Soooooo much better.

C-leb responds:

Like, what kind of lip sync?

Credits & Info

4.49 / 5.00

Oct 1, 2011
9:47 PM EDT