This is alright , the animation is adequate but there is a lack of sound . This flash has potential , good attempt but there is much room for improvement ,
I admire this guy. Also I was thinking of re-doing this and making it much better and entering it into bbc3's funny in 15 seconds compo. what do u think?
This is alright , the animation is adequate but there is a lack of sound . This flash has potential , good attempt but there is much room for improvement ,
Like I said. first draft. thnx though
Such a beautiful thought. Needs music for sure. It wouldn't hurt to throw some comedy in with it. Or just elaborate on it a little more. (birds stopping by for a bath, plane full of spectators, run-in with the nyan cat, etc.)
What you actually should do
I gave you a 5 just because of an idea i got from watching this video. you should make a screensaver, but just from the first scene. only the balloons. you totally should. make it hi-res (let's say 720p), and send its link to me, and i'll put it on a site, making it an online screensaver. /580406
If the link doesnt work it should be on my page