Worth Checking Out
Well, this stick figure battle is worth checking out in that it is smooth, fast moving, and action packed, however, there some areas to improve upon. First of all, it might help people keep track of which character is which if you make each of the stick figures a differing color. Also, it loops, and there are reviewers who would definitely appreciate your work more if it came to an actual end, with 'play' and 'replay' buttons at the beginning and end being preferable. I feel this still shows a lot of promise. Considering how the fight ended before the looping started, I'd encourage you to go even crazier! At the start of the fight, it looked like one stick figure punched the other one's head clean off and it rolled back on so he could get up and chase after him. Dude! Take that sort of thing and run with it! It may be stick figures, but you can make crazy awesome fight sequences with that! Keep it up.