I love eating feces out of a bucket
This is a very rare video of what spider-man does on friday nights when he hopes no one is watching.
by reviewing this movie, you have agreed upon being gay and loveing to see the backstreet boys (in tight speedos)& enjoy eating feces out of a bucket! thank you and enjoy (does not apply to the people that said nice things)
I love eating feces out of a bucket
sorry to say....
i have that spiderman animation on my computer for a long time...i think you aren't the one who made him dance...but the crappy cartoon house that may be you're work....
not good
it sounded funny when i saw the name but it was a wast of time im really sorry to say.
That is the most coolest yet most scariest thing i have seen. i am now completly scared..very good job. excellent job. TOO PERFECT! that was the best and i meant the best 1 minute of my life. seeing spiderman dancing. i cant beileve it. ahhahahahha. he was dancing! hahahha! to a gay song!..oh well i still like him. not love him but hes cool. do they sell tickets to him on friday nights?
Spiderman + Dancing = Fag
This is the strangest, yet most entertaining animation i have seen in a while. You get an E for Effort!