Hi punisher, I got a mod to remove my other review, so now here's the original review again minus the unessential stuff. You've already read this, in other words.
I had to stop watching it. It was too painful to go on. YES, you did put effort into the story, and the sprites looked pretty good, but the dialogue is some of the most cringe-worthy almost-English I've seen in months. You occasionally break every rule of grammar in a single sentence. I felt like I was watching an anime in Japanese and having a Russian translate for me. It was honestly unintelligible. You've got the animation and sound down pretty good, but if you want to make an actual original story, you need to concentrate more on how the story is told, so that others can understand the story you have in your head. Try watching your own movie and reading it out loud to yourself. Try getting a friend to proofread it. Try studying some writing principles. You've got the imagination, you just need to focus it more.