i loved the simplicity of the video it wasnt anything fancy which made it great amazing job
Theres something magical about this song.
This is a tribute musicvideo to Gregory and The Hawk
Felt like making a short musicvideo about it :)
Hope you like it.
P.S: It can be listened here (http://www.youtube.com/user/CannyProductions#p/u/10/JOpjdrK1GVc)
i loved the simplicity of the video it wasnt anything fancy which made it great amazing job
Boats and Birs by Gergory and the Hawk! Recognized it right away. ^^
Anyway, on to the flash:
Very simple in contrast to other music videos of this song that I've seen. It was refreshing and I enjoyed the simple style. I little bit less of the slow zooming or rotating animations wouldn't hurt though.
this is great i loved every secound it touches your heart i really hope you make more great job :)
i loved it
its just beautiful and i love that it has such meaning
I'm speechless.
Wow, just wow. Such a simple and childish way to demonstrate love and passion, I love it. I haven't seen somethign so emotional before, every key concept in put into place to make this so touching.