2011 was a time
Soup Squad Represent!
Shitty animation and freestylin' done by Senmetsu :D
I put a lot of work into this and actually learned a lot about tweenin my objects, and adding sounds to my videos, so this was a great learning experience :)
2011 was a time
i loled
so i guess that makes it into a nic animation
just the audio was grate and i guess the animasion was bad intecional or u were lasy.
I'm new at this stuff
animation sucked but
the audio made up for it. so for some of the funny audio i wont blam this.
You liked my crazy voice?
I was having fun... and yeah the animation blew, but its the best I know how to do at this point :)
I'll remember that the funny audio was the only redeeming quality, and focus on having more funny audio in my future flashes with improved animation.
Thanks for the help :)
Welcome to the cocksucker's club.
Thanks Sevkat! I look forward to years and cocksucking!
10/10 and 5/5 on your review!
Sigh ...
You'd think that eventually people would get tired of "picking on" the new crew.
If you were a legit member, which obviously you're not, I would tell you not to submit this and actually develop a plot, first and foremost. Then I would tell to work on the voice acting and actually make some color coordination.
Nobody wants to watch some stupid spazzy dance routine.
I tried to get some input, but the forum was down.
You said to become a member we had to develop a soup character, make a flash that flashes, and come submit our application.
I developed plum soup, and a flash that passed, and as soon as the forum is back up I'll be submitting my application. Sounds like its gonna be denied, sadly...