Imagine if that happened in the actual game... very hilarious!
Taken from my Youtube page:
"So, this was an animation I did for the 24 hour challenge held at my school. (a while ago....)
So the idea behind this is that, in Super Mario World, it is assumed that Mario/Luigi and Yoshi are working in tandem when partnered and as such Yoshi is throwing out his tongue of his own volition. However if you go back and look at the sprites of the animation, Mario is donkey-punching Yoshi in the back of the head!!! Go back and look if you don't believe me. That's what he's doing. (Mild Edit: I thought that's what he was doing at first. Turns out Mario was just pointing. Go figure! Still Funny though. Or maybe the sprites were edited for Super Mario Advance 2.... hmmm.....)
So, ...yeah I spend way too much time thinking about these sorts of things....
Note: Mario, Yoshi, the music, and the sound effects belong to Nintendo."
Imagine if that happened in the actual game... very hilarious!
did you notice you didn't put in yoshi's shell(or die-hard fans will call it a saddle)?
second yoshi said donkey punching, i lost it and couldnt stop laughing for ten minits! librarian threatened to make me leave lol kept giggling like a madman so much other ppl were staring!
This was Really awsome for one that was done in one day!!!! I loved how yoshi reacted it was hilarious! there should be a sequal!!!
Now that I think about it, every time I press Y to have yoshi lick something, Mario does hit Yoshi. thats mean.