What'd you do to make him mad?
Call 'im a loser?
Let me tell you about my family!
We present to you the "Life with Louie Collab"!!!
A tribute to the best and most underrated show ever!
What'd you do to make him mad?
Call 'im a loser?
I'll have you know that my great uncle, Thermador, was destroyed by bees!
C'mon, now...
Louie deserves better than this, guys. People will watch this, because people remember Life with Louie. You need to deliver though, instead of being cruel, Willy Wonka-like monsters.
In springtime,
The only pretty ring time.
Birds sing, hey ding.
A-ding, a-ding.
Sweet lovers love the spring!
What was that?
The only thing I liked was watching the old HBO intro. The rest was total crap.
Hmm... Would it have been better if we added some hentai in there? Seeing as that is a recurring genre in your favorites. It also seems that you acclaim yourself as being thirty-three years old, and you're still watching cartoon porn? Well I have to say to you, good sir, maybe your life is "total crap".