Definitely deserved an award
One of the best clockday productions this year, extremely well done.
I really like how your approach to flash has fleshed itself out and managed to impress with spurts of downright good animation.
Definitely deserved an award
One of the best clockday productions this year, extremely well done.
I really like how your approach to flash has fleshed itself out and managed to impress with spurts of downright good animation.
very beautifull v film.
truly, a great piece, from the art(which was fluid, like the house, and the bb10-fighting, and the kid/human who was in the movie) , to the style(the house drawing, was good, but man, very colour-less, and looked like it could have more to it.. so, add more! you've got LOTS of talent, man!) and a nice story/humour(great story, very touching, but it also had slight humour, despite the drama... like the bb10-having eggs. what am i? a hen? a bb-hen? no, sir, i'm bb10! not bb-hen. ;) u)
also, the story was great, and quite touching, but i have some questions.
-who was the guy(human, the child) and was he doing/what's his relation with bb10? (i'm just' puzzl''ed.1)
-why carrot, and strawberry helped bb10? and if so, why carrot? is bb10 the peace-maker?
-why a frog attacks them wants to hurt bb10's kids?
-and what happens in the end? does bb10 dies? he doesn't, or..what happens?
and lastly, what happens, in to the bb10's offspring/childen?
what happens to his kids? it's so sad!
uhh, i suggest that you do a sequel showing at least who is that kid, what happens to bb10/and to the kids of bb10/and or what happens to all, this time.
this was very god mind me, im just helping with the story, cause i think it had no clear ending.
uhh, also, as lotus, VERY correctly states, it really reminds me of tomas, e-le fraise..! great movie, and so is this, 2!
do more, sir! you've got talent! do more! bravo!
Thank you bb10!
Such a touching tale
As I said before, this is a very moving story. A tale of a child who lives a life-changing magical adventure after meeting a strange clock character. And the crude artwork actually gives it a childish tone very fitting to the protagonist. In a few ways I'm reminded of Munglai's Tomas et la Fraise when I watch it. This is very artful work.
A heartwarming tale
This movie looks like Academy Award material.
do not be deceived!
Your work always has pure beauty in it.
Just... damn. Fudging amazing.
You're much too kind, blobclock.