Strangely accurate. You forgot "Fear of impending social DOOM!!!" however.
I'm only showing you how a brony is formed, i'm not encouraging you go out there and watch the show, that's up to you. I hope you enjoy my cartoon!
Here is a link to the credits song:
c/royalty-free/index.html ?genre=Disco
The song is called Stringed Disco
Strangely accurate. You forgot "Fear of impending social DOOM!!!" however.
This is exactly how I became a brony! I love dis, no-brainer!
Thank you!
for fuck sake who cares about age ratings its fucking next to censorship arrghhh :/:/:/:/
How is this E?
It did say he will kick my ass.. in one of the levels..
Good point! I'll try to change the rating.
That is exactly how I became one