Ladies and gentlemen,
After the large and phenomenal sucess of SHOCK 4: THE FINAL BATTLE! reaching over 6 Billion hits simutaneously in a matter of a few minutes and crashing the NewGrounds server (ceasing even more hits overflowing the server), I decide to tear the internet a fresh new asshole by releasing another universally anticpated sequel to a Grammy, Emmy, Pulitzer, and 7 time Nobel Peace Prize winner: FAILED CONTAINMENT. I advise you to take a deep breathe, and ready yourself for the grand, epic, and groundbreaking animation of what is FAILED CONTAINMENT TWOOOO.
hehe look at the screen size!
Amen to what Hazufrazen said.
I smell a troll...
since most people cant figure it out. terkoiz is prolly getting tired of everyone's nonstop "make more of this make more of that i want moar moar moar moar moar!!!!11!!!!1! just let the man work his own projects at his own pace. and if he wants to put out funny stuff like this appreciate it for what it is instead of being assholes and complaining about not getting what you wanted. beggers cant be choosers. and to terkoiz i think your stuff rocks. the funny and the punchy. keep it up