Original Pencilmation REMASTERED!!!!!!!
Pencilmation is getting back to its roots!
I'm not doing away with Hank and Frank, but they are going to be made into a separate series. Let me know what you think. As always, I appreciate your feedback.
Original Pencilmation REMASTERED!!!!!!!
This continues to be of the highest quality. These earlier animations are just as enjoyable as your newer ones.
Love it!
Can´t get enough of Pencilmation!
I've watching pencilmation vids recently and I'm liking them all! cute and intertaining.. sound effects are great
when he picked up the small pencil i got excited lol.. I thought he was gonna start doodling with it.. would be interesting to see what would happen then!
awesome vids!
he gets a gun "what up now" its a prank gun "shit"