i cant beleive i watched it atleast 12 times
A loop made for May's LAUNCH themed LoopdeLoop animation challenge.
i cant beleive i watched it atleast 12 times
you got ballooned!! 8D
Dat balloon
End of discussion.
I concur. :)
I think, that you should make more flashes, and then you should make a ballon that actually does that, it is rather cool how it sucks up air and grows really big...
Ben, I think you are onto something...
The self inhaling balloon could be the smash hit must have toy this Christmas!
It reminds me of these enemies from this game Jazz Jackrabbit 2 that would float around and when you shot them they'd sputter around like that.
ha, I don't remember those guys at all... so I just looked it up and YOU'RE RIGHT! :D
Real classy man
good work was entertained... but I felt the smoke abruptly stoping at the end was off along with the final pose at the end. I felt like there could have been more of a pull at the end of that last big action - a reaction, the straw of the baloon bouncing a bit perhaps and the ballon head bobbin a bit , as long with the smoke continuing rotating around and then getting sucked back. I feel that this would bost the animation of this a lot. Just a thought but, you had some real nice keys espically the baloon flying around in the air. that shit was dope along with the gradient effects ^^ Nice timing regardless and effort
you're right the end needed a bit more work, but I only had so much time to dedicate to it... thanks, it's good to have someone pull me up and tell me what's what :)