It was pretty cool but sadly unfinished, even Madness Salvation (the full version non-trailer) is still have no end. Hopefully someone can remake this unfinished movie and have a actual end.
Yah, this is the preview of a movie i've been making.
I know its short and so but the real thing is only 1700 frames, and its not gonna be a long movei either, estimate it at 3k frames.
Music by Cheshyre.
EDIT: Oh boy was i wrong. The full movie is atm 5357 frames!
It was pretty cool but sadly unfinished, even Madness Salvation (the full version non-trailer) is still have no end. Hopefully someone can remake this unfinished movie and have a actual end.
Cool! Someone AlReady Creat it Like a Movie, and It's Called "Madness Salvation" (I Believe).
Cool Movie Anyway!
no spacegog the grudgygrunt is now sethew k
Woah,looks awesome^^
nice first animation
im so happy for u. piss!