Ok so this was a lil differant, it was entertaining enough but was abit on the low end side of things on quality, the "VOICES" were ok but could have used some better direction and making the voices sound differant would have helped aswell, there was just alot of repettive-ness with the jokes and all, The "ANIMATION" could be directed alot better aswell, as it was kinda poorly handled, Some of the jokes were pretty good and i got a few lauhs but for the most part they could have been better and more creative with the humor. so there is some more effort that can be done, wich i have stated already, anyways good luck on your next piece.
There are a number of things that could be worked on >> Voices were ok but could have used some better direction and making the voices sound differant would have helped, and then there was the animation kinda sloppy and could have been abit more smoother. some of the jokes were stale could have been more creative there.