nyan cat noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo
this is what i wish newgrounds was like.
nyan cat noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo
you blamd that piece of crap
lol I hate freakin nyan cat
Nice Meme, at first I was a little skeptic about the name and icon. the art isn't very great but overall I got the point. Nice job.
I was surprized...
I originally thought this was another crappy flash made by an 11 year old that I was seconds away from blamming. Then I saw a decent moral behind it...
Though short and sweet, it lacks in luster that is in art and dialogue. But that's my only negative criticisms about this flash. Otherwise, good work!
There's always room for improvement.
This is What I Wish the INTERNET was Like!
Some Memes are hilarious... to an extent. Others have lost their purpose, or rather, their meaning. And a few have become so repetitive that they provide a very convincing argument in favor of censorship to the point of burning digital mainframes and harassing anybody caught proliferating such memes.
Meme is a diatribe of wishful thinking, short in length and file size but compensating with poignancy and chilling frankness. The explicit definition of its seething undercurrents is sheer frustration. It wants these things stopped. I say, "Here, here!" because with the recent flood of "Nyan Cat" variations and submissions by the Lock Legion, now may be an appropriate time to reevaluate all these stupid memes, from Troll Face to Rick Astley, All Your Base to Over 9000, and see how they came to be and why they continue to haunt us.
When you watch this Flash, remember that the author's frustration over these stupid Internet gags, as wonderful as an unceasing pop-up ads or as magnificent as watching your mother die of throat cancer, might just be your own.