Blueberry f**kin' pancakes XD I loved this almost as much as I love dogs NO NO don't sh*t on the carpet NO NOO (throws xbox controller) (dog yelps and falls over)! % stars this was AWESOME YEAH! :)
Could go for some pancakes right about now.
Here you go, Newgrounds. May your world be awesome, k?
Good. <3 Enjoy the pancakes.
EDIT: <33333333333333333333
Blueberry f**kin' pancakes XD I loved this almost as much as I love dogs NO NO don't sh*t on the carpet NO NOO (throws xbox controller) (dog yelps and falls over)! % stars this was AWESOME YEAH! :)
I like waffles better.
Awsome sauce!
"WOWOWO pancakes now tradagey later" reminds me of bush XD
Great now i'm in the mode for them!
Keep it up man this is cool.
Another good one.
This is one of those wtf humor videos that you watch for sheer enjoyment and that`s all I ever ask for.