i can say that it gets better with each entry
Pico is back, finally!
We are a bit late, this movie was originally meant for pico day 2010, but because it took so long to make, we are a bit late to submit this movie (one year and 3 days).
It took so long because the movie is really good animated.
We hope you like it, we like it, my mom likes it, so you should like it. yeah.
i can say that it gets better with each entry
blam this pos this guy is an asshole
I liked the animation until i saw your replies.
Why do you lash out at people, EVEN IF THEY POST POSITIVE REPLIES?
Oh, and if you lash out at me, then you must have a bad life.
I love you man
The fuck was this shit!?
This seems like something my little cousen would make...not kidding. Stupid (dick) jokes, terrible attempted at humor ("I was raised by cats"). No...just no...
Hmm, well for each their own, I still love you <3
you should have something in your head that makes you be so retarded, because someone with a normal head would not do this.
Haha yeah good point, love you ;)